Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Will of the Abduction, I Dare You To Make A Difference...

They scour around in the jungle searching for their next victim. They see by rays of the moonlight as it breaks through the battered overhangs of the canopy. Their shear eyes blur their own humanity. The lies are all they know. It has far removed them from the humanity that they were brought into this world to know. But still they know, they know that things are not right and that they need help. There is hope. They need my help. They need your help. They need our help. Because if we do not help, then who will. Who will make a statement? Who will stand up for their human rights? Are they not human? How long will this happen?

April 25, this coming Saturday is your opportunity to bring more light to this situation. Watch this video:

The Rescue Instructional Video from Jason Russell on Vimeo.

Now go to this website:

I'm not going to type any more information. You have now been summoned to make a difference in the lives of the child soldiers.

I dare you to make a difference. If we make a statement, we will be heard. Become part of this campaign and spread the word. If you are unable to go, do as I am doing am make your voice be heard!

I dare you to make a difference.
I dare you to make a difference.
I dare you to make a difference.
I dare you to make a difference.
I dare you to make a difference.
I dare you to make a difference.
I dare you to make a difference.
I dare you to make a difference.
I dare you to make a difference.
I dare you to make a difference.
I dare you to make a difference.
I dare you to make a difference.
I dare you to make a difference.
I dare you to make a difference.
I dare you to make a difference.
I dare you to make a difference.
I dare you to make a difference.
I dare you to make a difference.
I dare you to make a difference.
I dare you to make a difference.
I dare you to make a difference.
I dare you to make a difference.
I dare you to make a difference.
I dare you to make a difference.
I dare you to make a difference.
I dare you to make a difference.
I dare you to make a difference.
I dare you to make a difference.
I dare you to make a difference.
I dare you to make a difference.
I dare you to make a difference.
I dare you to make a difference.
I dare you to make a difference.
I dare you to make a difference.
I dare you to make a difference.
I dare you to make a difference.
I dare you to make a difference.
I dare you to make a difference.
I dare you to make a difference.
I dare you to make a difference.
I dare you to make a difference.
I dare you to make a difference.

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