Tuesday, September 29, 2009

To Echo The Words Of Those

To echo the words of those that have said it and will keep saying it as long as it needs to be said. If you have read my blog before, you know that I am a follower of the band, Switchfoot. It's not about being some fanatic fan or going giddy because of this or that. There's deeper meanings and connections when you believe in seeing the same thing take place-the hearts of man finding an ever, unending flowing of redemption. Not that man can obtain it all by himself, but that it is a gift, free to be embraced. This redemption is found solely by the blood of Jesus Christ. By no other name may we find the true message of eternal life.

Switchfoot is about to release a new cd, Hello Hurricane. It will hit landfall on November 10, 2009. The prerequisite for the song, Hello Hurricane, Jon Foreman, lead singer, said, "...if you're not crying, why are you singing it...if you don't believe it with every ounce of you, then there's no point in singing it."

In light of these things, these lyrics came to me. I wrote them out in less than 15 minutes. Sometimes it just happens like that. Even as they are inspired by the triune themes that can be found within the lyrics of Jon Foreman & Switchfoot, they have also cultivated from recent adventures in my life.


i got to keep believing
the time is here and now
where it's all left behind
the death of me will turn to life
and i'll wake from this sleep
when i learn to see

that i was born to run
there's no wall to keep me out
i'll beat the world like a drum
until love comes flowing out
until love comes, until love comes
here it is now, all flowing out

in the desert of this life
i find that time brings meaning
away with the calloused hearts
remove the mud from my eyes
there's liberation and freedom
because now i can see

that i was born to run
there's no wall to keep me out
i'll beat the world like a drum
until love comes flowing out
until love comes, until love comes
here it is now, all flowing out